Diaphragmatic hernia; left sided, 35 weeks

Marcos Antonio Velasco Sanchez, MD; Candelario Conda Moreno, MD; Manuel Medina Carreon, MD; Javier Cabrera, MD.

Hospital General S. S. A. Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Unidad Obstetrica Qururgica de Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Instituto Mexicano de Diagnostico por Imagen, Mexico. Facultad de Medicina, Divison de Pos-Grado de la Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, Mexico.

Case report

This is an 18-year-old woman (G1P0) with unremarkable history scanned at 35 weeks of gestational age. The ultrasound investigation showed a left-sided diaphragmatic hernia.

Images 1, 2: Color Doppler transverse images at the level of the four-chamber view of the heart demonstrating dextroposition of the heart due to the left sided diaphragmatic hernia. Stomach and loops of bowels are visible on the left side of the heart.


Images 3, 4: Gray scale transverse images at the level of the four-chamber view of the heart demonstrating dextroposition of the heart due to the left-sided diaphragmatic hernia. Loops of bowels are visible on the left side of the heart.



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